Kamis, 26 Juli 2007

Economic Indicators

Definition: To survey of to consumer attitudes concerning both the present situation ace well ace expectations regarding economic conditions conducted by The Conference Board. Five thousand consumers across the country plows surveyed each month. The level of to consumer confidence is directly related to the strength of to consumer spending.

CPI (Consumer Price Index)
Definition: An examination of the referring attitudes of the consumer to both the present situation as well as expectations with respect to the economic conditions lead by the board of the conference. They examine to five thousand consumers through country every month. The level of the consumer confidence is related directly to the force of the cost of the consumer.

ISM (Institute for Supply Management)
Definition: Known before like the NAPM. To change effective era in January of 2002. ISM is an index composed of the diffusion of the national conditions of the manufacture. The readings on 50% indicate a sector of the factory that is extended.

Divisa against fairnesses and futures? Definition: A weekly compilation of the number of the individuals that filed for the first time for the unemployment subsidy. This indicator, and more importantly, its cuatrisemanal movable average, portends tendencies in the work market

Definition: The use situation is a system of indicators of the work market. The unemployment index measures the number of unemployed as percentage of the manual labor. The use agriculturist of the payment list does not count the number of the paid employees who work per hours or in time complete in the establishments of the business and the government of the nation. Workweek average reflects the number of the hours worked in the sector nonagriculturist. The hourly average gains reveal the price per basic hour for the important industries according to indicated in payment lists the nonagriculturists.

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